Since I had to spend 90.00 dollars this week to have my washer repaired, I thought I should pass on some of what I know to save on keeping your appliances working for a long time.  Also, I feel that I need to give some advice on saving energy.  This will be my first post of many.

The appliances in our home that cost the most to run is first the refrigerator.  Second is the dryer.  We all know that heating and cooling our homes is expensive so for now, I will keep t his simple.  What do you think about when you see a refrigerator with very little food inside?  I see dollars going down the drain.  The reason is because a fridge that is mostly full uses less energy.  What I do when I use a gallon of milk is to rinse it out good and fill it with water and put it back inside the fridge until I buy another gallon.  Making sure that the seal is in good shape and no air leaking is crucial.  Check with a cigarette light to see if air is escaping around the seal.  Sounds crazy but you can do the same with your windows.  Also, you can use a sheet of paper.  Put in inside the door of the fridge and try pulling it out.  If is slides out easily, then you have a loose seal.  Buying a new one will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Border Protection?

People living near southern borders must be living in fear. If we can trust the videos of the masses of people heading for America, we know that our hard-working officers can’t contain them. Tomorrows headlines will most likely show rage, killings, robbery and rape. An anger mob is hard to control.

Of course, Washington’s elicit has nothing to worry about. They are surrounded by walls now. However, they stopped the building of a needed wall on our southern borders.

What are your thoughts on the mass of people heading for America?

Answers from a man bringing illegals over the border.

Please post your thoughts after watching this very informative video.

For a look at what’s happening at our border. This man isn’t a journalist. He is asking hard questions of a man involved in illegal border crossings. Watch his channel for more videos. This bloggers has many videos on things the news doesn’t report.

Hope this will open eyes. We all need more facts.

Questions on bringing illegals over the border.

Depression After Election.

I’m wondering what they will turn to now to get their addrenian going.

So many people were on a high before the election. Their daily fix was either Facebook private groups, YouTube, news or Twitter. I had to give up all for a while. I wanted to eat without an upset stomach. Did y’all have those problems too?

Tell me if you’re feeling down. I’m not like the government. I really care.

Statins To Lower Cholesterol Are Killing Us

My doctor told me years ago that he wanted my cholesterol level to be down to one-hundred.  Sure doc.  I remember when doctors wanted it to only be at two-hundred.  Why the change in attitude?  Here is one of my thoughts.  I am not one to sit around blaming people for this or that.  I look for facts.

The Big Pharmacy Companies push doctors to use their drugs.  Many people know this but for those who do not, big phar gives doctors things like vacations, free meals at fancy restaurants and other things of value.  Some doctors become rich over the years because they give in to this.  Frankly, I feel that the big pharmacy companies are controlling our doctors.  Doctors should always have their patients health in their heart first.

Recently, I was in the hospital for a couple of day.  They did a lot of blood work.  It came back that my bad cholesterol level was ninety-four and the good was fifty.  I told a doctor friend of mine who is retired what they were.  He had a fit and told me that it was way too low.  He explained how cholesterol is needed by the brain for it to work properly.  He then sent me a link to a video.  I listened to this amazing doctor talk about it.  I was in shock.

My doctor was just about to give me a standing ovation when I told him how low it was.  Hugs for my young doctor.  I sent him the link in hopes that he would educate himself.

In this video, y’all will hear about how we are getting Alzheimers disease because of a lack of enough cholesterol.  You will hear that Alzheimers is a new disease.  It wasn’t around 45 years ago.  Surprised?  Just listen.

I am going to give y’all this link so you can hear for yourself what cholesterol is and why it needs to be around all total two-hundred and forty. Shocked?  I suppose so if your doctor is like mine.

When I started seeing my doctor, I told him jokingly not to worry that I would help him become a good doctor.  I would too if he would only listen.  What people do not know is that doctors have only in the last few years had to have one class on nutrition.  Amazing.

Be sure you have time to listen to this doctor.  He will change your mind about what your doctor tells you.  You will thank me.  Oh and if you listen to the next video of his, you will learn that people who drink coffee live longer.  Hooray.  I will be around for a long time.

I enjoy doing research and learning all I can. It seems to be something embedded in my brain.  When I find important information, I like to pass it on.  I hope I help just one person with this blog.  I wish y’all a wonderful day.


The Dread of Another Operation.

I have not written anything on this blog in five years.  I couldn’t believe it when I pulled up this page.  We get sidetracked in life.  I was sidetracked by operations.

Image result for lazy woman on couch

Allow me to quickly bring y’all up to date.  First, in 2014, the doctor told me to get rid of the pain in my legs and back would mean a back fusion.  Have mercy.  I listened to him because I felt he was the expert.  Not all great doctors are as good as we think.  He never investigated to see if the pain might be  coming from another place in my lower body.

doctor deciding to try some new he saw on tv

I had a six-hour long operation where he fused 3 vertebrates together.  Bone was added in small pieces in hopes that they would grow together to strengthen my back. It worked.  However, I didn’t need that surgery.  What the real problem was my hip.  The socket was worn out from arthritis.  So, in 2016 I had the hip replaced. I was still weak from having the back operation.  There was a reason. The back surgeon told me to walk. I couldn’t walk because I was crooked and leaned to one side. My hip hurt so badly that I couldn’t stand it.  So, to make this short, I didn’t get any rehab.

I would like to give y’all a link to a guy on YouTube who is a physical therapies and also has a gym for people to work out.  He has some awesome exercised to use so that you may not have to have back surgery.  What He Suggest for Back Pain I wish I had known about this site earlier.  I am giving you only one link so, you may have to look around his site to find what is good for you.

Now, to the operating room to have my hip replaced.  I had problems with the meds they give when during the  ksurgery.  Like memory problems, being confused, and being forgetful.  I am claiming all of that as a result of the operation. ha ha…Sometimes, I had problems with those anyway.  Want to know what a hip replacement looks like?  Are y’all sure?  ha ha….nan..

Now, this time, the doctor gave me a shot in the back and I had the hip replacement surgery while wide awake. I always thought in my mind that the operating room would be nosey.  Not this one. Everyone was as quiet as a mouse.  Sometimes, a nurse would ask if I would like ice chips, which I did.

After the surgery, I started to physical therapy.  However, I wasn’t strong enough to handle it very well.  I never had a chance to get strong again after the back surgery.  Now, my hip feels fine but my back hurts like I have been hit by a shot-gun.  I just could not do certain exercises because my back hurt too much. Now, on to the next problem.  By the way, now, he is telling me now that I have a herniated disc.  A link to show exercises to help disc problems.  YouTube for bulging disc

OK.  He will not touch my back and y’all will see why if you click on the link I gave above.

My knee which I had replaced ten years ago has started to hurt so badly that I have a hard time walking.  It hurts when I go to bed at night.  I suppose one can say, it hurts all of the time.  I have seen one young doctor who has been doing knee replacements for only one year.  Nope.  He will not do it.  I plan to see someone with years of experience. Oh, I forgot to tell what he said. He told me that my kneecap had come loose. What?  Imagine.  I know that something is going on because my knee will not move sometimes.  Plus, sometimes, it swells.  I will find out soon.

NEWS BULLETIN:  I just saw a video on YouTube showing exercises that I may try before having the knee worked on. Yeah.

I frankly do not want to have another operation.  I am tired. I have had enough.  However, if I plan to keep living as active of a life as  I wish, it will have to be done.  I am just praying that nothing else is wrong and the knee doesn’t have to be done over again.  That would not be fun.  The wonderful doctor who did it the first time died last year.  I cried.  I loved that man.  Stuart Stephenson was his name and he was at U.A.B. Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama.  God Rest His Soul.  He was wonderful.

My main purpose for writing this is to tell people not to take the advice of the first doctor y’all see.  Talk to your main doctor about sending you to physical therapy first.  There are a lot of things that doctors want to operate on a person which can be helped in many other ways.  If anyone is truly interested in knowing more about knee or hip replacement, just ask. I will be happy to tell anyone what to expect.  I have been there and enjoy sharing what I know.  One last thing. Always, always get a second opinion.


i remember a  time when saying Merry Christmas was just want people said as a greeting to everyone during the season.  Now, it seems that I get messages from people wishing me a happy holiday.  No, The reason for the season is because Christ was born to be the Lord and Savior of anyone who will accept His grace and follow Him.


So, it will always be Merry Christmas to me.  When I meet strangers while shopping it is Merry Christmas.  I am not worried about offending anyone.  If I do, that is their problem and not mind since America was build on Christianity.   I am sure they will get over it. If I was in a country that celebrated a religious holiday, I would greet them with whatever they say. When I speak of Christ to people, some respond beautifully and are excited to talk about Jesus.  However, there are those who are not excited and will change the subject in a minute.

In fact, I belong to a site online and one person who has been a friend is an atheist.  That person told me that I was too smart and well educated to believe in all of that non sense.  Boy…did I have to sit on that message for a long time before I answered.  I prayed about it asking God to guide me when I replied.  I certainly didn’t want to come across as a hateful person.  He would have enjoyed that.  I finally replied and  told him that I was insulted by his remark and would appreciate it if he didn’t send messages to me like that again.

Well, on Facebook, he blurted out some mean things about God and that was all I could take. I told him that I didn’t see his point in bringing such a thing up on Facebook in the first place.  Nothing was on his page to indicate that he needed to say anything.  I told him that I was offended that he would use such language concerning my Father God who has healed me twice this year.  I also put the sinners prayer on his page and told him that I hoped the day would come when he would use it.

I then deleted him from both of my sites.  Why be exposed to someone who doesn’t believe as I do?  Especially, when they seem to want to rub it into my face. There isn’t.

I suppose one can say that I am not politically correct but I am not concerned with it.  Others may be but I am sorry that I do not feel the need to be.

So, to all of my Christian friends out there, Merry Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful New Year.



What? A Family Member Doesn’t Like Me?

I have to just sit back and laugh when I think about my sister.  She and I grew up sleeping in the same bed, playing in the creek together and just having fun.  She was always my best friend.


because I felt so close to her, my eyes and ears were closed to all that she did in life that hurt others including me.  That is until a few years ago.

We have been agreeable to some extent for a while but only because I was the one making the effort.  It was hard for me to realize that she didn’t like me at all.  (A friend suggested one day that she might be jealous. ) No one should be jealous of me because we all have our special talents in life.   .Anyway,  I should have known but in my heart, I am a peace loving woman.  In my life, when things go bad, I am always looking for the bright sun hiding behind the clouds.  I never stop long enough to think how others truly are.  I just accept them because they are who they are.

That is the key thing with me.  It is my nature to just allow people to be who they are.  I can accept who they are or I can chose to not have anything to do with them.  That is easier to do with a friend or acquaintance than with a family member.  Family members are always showing up at family functions.  People do not say, “Well, we can’t invite this person or that because they do not like each other.”  However, that is now the case.  My number one sister has hosted holiday get togethers for years and now, I am not invited.   That is very hurtful to me.

My sister and I have a younger sister who lived half the distance of the state from us.  My sister was always trying to get my youngest sister to move up here to be close to us.  I never asked her to move because she is a grown woman and I knew that she would do what she wanted.  All I wanted for her was to be happy wherever she lived.  Sister number one…as I will refer to her was always begging sister number 2 to move.  When she finally decided to move, she even went down to help her.  I thought that was nice.

Sister number one even demanded that sister number 2 move in with her until she found a place to live.  While sister number two was looking for a home to buy, she never asked her sister to go out with her to look at houses.  She knew that their thoughts on what type of home to buy were way too different,  I didn’t blame her but sister number one took it wrong and had her feelings hurt.  Needless to say, before my youngest sister could get moved out, the other sister was giving her grief.  My youngest sister had to come live with me for a week because the youngest sister’s dog scratched the bedroom door while she was at work.  I could have been repaired but no, the other sister demanded a new door plus a professional carpet cleaning before my youngest sister moved and that had to be in CASH.  So little sister brought her dog and stayed with me for a week.  On moving day, she wouldn’t allow her own sister to be at her house to move.   The movers had to move her things without the youngest sister even being there.

Our sister got mad at me too because I took up for my youngest sister,  When she refused to allow her to be there on moving day, I asked our sister number one who she wanted me to tell about her past life first……her preacher, she friends at church or her good friend down the street,  By the way, she isn’t friends with that lady any longer and has dropped out of church saying that since back surgery, she doesn’t feel like going and that has been nearly two years, but she can do some more shopping.  Just for the record, I don’t have a church home except the many ministers I watch on television.

As I am writing this, I see all the times that she used me to her advantage.  I was like a blind bird just flying along without giving it any thought.  It has been two years ago and she still hasn’t spoken to me but a few times,  She stopped by when I had a new bath installed.  Back in my early days at home, my mother would call that kind of person nosey.

Now, to top all of this off, my baby sister doesn’t speak to me either.  They both are too interested in how I live my life.  My son lives with me and they do not approve.  My son and I do not always get along and sometimes we have words,  At least, I can depend on him to help me out when needed.  I can’t depend on them for anything.  There was a long time that I cried all the time and still do at times but I am not eat up with their rejection as much as I once was.  I just figure that by not being around either of them, they are saving me a lot of grief.  Women who are always trying to control others aren’t my favor people to spend time with in life.

The reason for my youngest sister putting me out of her life is a hoot,  Make sure to check back if you are interested in some good drama and I will tell that story.  It is better than this one.

I think some may be wondering why I am writing  this.  Well, I suppose because my youngest sister reads my blogs and I hope she will see how ridiculous all of this is.

Elderly Crossing. Grandchildren Help!

The last day of this month, I will be sixty-five.  What?  How in the Lord’s heaven did that happen?   It seems like just few years back that I had children at home.   I tell my sons now to enjoy the years they have with their children at home because they are the best years of a person’s life.  It was for me.  I had someone to interact with each day.  Someone I loved and wanted to guide.  They may not have enjoyed my guidance but they heard what I had to say anyway.

Life was so sweet in those days.

Then there was the years of the grandchildren.  I don’t  feel like I am at that stage now but I am.  The best years was when the boys who belong to my oldest son were little.  I never had to disciple them.  They were great children raised by great parents.  Those boys never embarrassed anyone anywhere.   I give the most of the credit to their mom.  However, when mom needed backup, all my son had to do was walk into the room.  He has a huge presence.  They love their dad.  Of course, they love mom too but it is different.  I know.  Mom is the one who nurture us.  Dad’s are there to protect us.

Me when my grandson were still young with my friend Boat Dawg.

Anyway, I have been having problems with my health for about a year now.  I have spent too much time in the doctors office to only have arthritis.   That is what I thought but not so.  People do not realize that when a person has arthritis, they live in pain most days.  I do.  I kept thinking there was something that could be done to help with the pain.  Yesterday, my doctor who specializes in my problem told me that all that could be done had been done.

I am not giving up because I have enrolled in therapy.  The main thing I am interested in is the water therapy.  One can do exercises to stay strong and flexible.  Hopefully, that will help.  If it doesn’t, I suppose I am doomed to living my life on pain medication.  I take it now just to get through the day.

I have to stay on top of my game because of my darling five year old grand daughter.  She is like a bolt of lightning.    She is on the move all the time.  Well, there are those moments when she sits in my lap to be read to or to just kiss me and tell me that I am the greatest Nana in the world wide world.  Now, those are precious times.  They will not last too long because they grow too fast.  Even now, she will go into her room and change clothes telling me that she is getting ready for her date.  I ask who is taking her out and she tells me the name of a little boy who is in kindergartener with her.

Look at Me/remind you of someone? Maybe MaDonna

Sometimes, we play make believe and I am him.  Oh, his name is Jacob.  I will be Jacob and we have these grand conversations.  Then she will want me to be her teacher or she will ask if she can call me mommy.  We have great fun play acting.  I think it is a good thing because it is preparing her for growing up.  Or, it could be as simple as her play acting with the people she loves the most.

I have had a lot of fun in my sixty-five years and I have had some bad times.  I try to never look back on the bad.  They serve no purpose.  For now, I plan to just enjoy the grandchildren and the friends I have.  Life is still good and I plan to do all  I can to keep it that way.

Cell Phone Challengened

Both my sons have fancy cell phone.  They come by and while here, show me what they will do.  I never intended to get behind on any technology that I use.  However, I am a total dork when it comes to using a cell phone.  Back when I bought my first one, one couldn’t even text on them.  Now, they are like mini computers.  I can text but I do it using my computer.  If I had to send a message using those small keys on a cellphone, I don’t think it would happen.

My son was trying to decide what browser to use on his phone.  What?  Now one can use a browser?  Amazing.  I should have known since I have friends who tell me about going online using their phones.   I just can’t imagine it being a satisfying experience with such a small screen.   If I were to ever buy a new one, it would have to have the gadget that would allow me to enlarge the text or photos by touching the screen.  Plus, the screen would have to be big enough for me to truly see the content.

All the time that I have been watching the criminal shows on television, I still didn’t realize that technology was so far advanced.  Do y’all remember watching  NCIS and how they can touch the screen than makes what they are viewing bigger?  Well, I must be getting slow because I thought that was just something  kind of sci-fi.  It seems that I have done what I claimed I would never do.  I have become cell phone challenged.  I am not sure if I had one I could use it.

I think it is time the cell phone was given a new name.  Think about it.  Maybe Cellputer would be a good name.  Think about all they can do. They have alarms for waking you, they have calculators,  are internet friendly, can take photos, text,  some have a GPS system so people never get lost.  I am sure I am missing a lot of features but since I do not own one, what do I know?  Not much.

I suppose I could give up my computer, my alarm clock and my digital camera if I bought one.  What would be the point of owning all the other items if I had a new fangled cell phone?

No, I think I will keep my computer, camera and alarm clock for now.  Who knows but the day may come when we all will only have a cell phone to do all that is necessary to get though the day. Back when I was growing up, we had a telephone but we had to share the line with at least 6 other people.  It was called a party line.  If someone was calling our phone number, it would ring two short rings, another families phone might have one long ring. That was how we knew who’s phone was being called.  I remember my grandmother sitting at a phone table listening in on other people’s conversations.  Yes, she lived in the country and I suppose that was like watching or should I say listening to a soap opera.

This looks like the one my grand mother owned.

We have come a long way in such a short distance of time.  It makes me wonder what technology will be like in just five more years.

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